CRAFT 6 – Disability Accessibility

CRAFT – Community Resilience through Action for Future Transitions

Because our future is in our hands

Disability Accessibility:

Issue 6: September 2014

In this Issue of CRAFT we focus on the issue of ‘Disability Accessibility’ from the perspective of practical hope. We believe that in any forward looking society that seeks to offer all its citizens practical hope DA needs to be both a major policy and practical focus.

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Table of Contents

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curator: Meriel Sanger

List of Exhibits

Source: P Wildman

Accessibility champion

Low Vision Disability Accessibility champion Maureen Davenport by Jean Weaver

Maureen Eulogy

Vision Impaired - Maureen Davenport Eulogy by John Davenport

About our Curator

About our Issue Curator: Meriel Stanger


The Importance of Psychological & Physical Access by Meriel Stanger

My adventures in travelling

My adventures with travelling by Meriel Stanger

Improve Hotel Access

Notes to the hotel to improve their accessibility by Meriel Stanger

Psyc & Physical Access

Examples of Psychological & Physical Access by Meriel Stanger

Cruising Access

Accessible Cruising by Meriel Stanger

Community Access

Accessibility in your Community by Meriel Stanger

Comfort Zone

Adventures Leaving your Comfort Zone by Meriel Stanger

Housing Design

Margaret Ward with Meriel Stanger

Getting in the Door

Getting in the Door by Meriel Stanger

Not as Planned

When Things Don’t Go As Planned by Meriel Stanger

Brave New World?

The NDIS – brave new world or more of the same? by Lesley Chenoweth

Gaining access to disability

Jenny Harvie exhibits intro by Jim Prentice

Sinners, Saints or Victims

works by Jenny Harvie

Social Value and Disability

Social Value and disability by Jennie Harvie

Disability Art

Melvyn Bragg (Guardian article)

Systems perspective

A systems perspective on Disability by Neil Davison

The Recycled Man

ABI in perspective by Ken Aitken

Cult of Normalcy

by Hannah Ireland

Parents with disabilities

by Judy Singer

Action Learning

Action Learning Circles and Disability Accessibility by Paul Wildman

Through the Laceweb

Accessing Wellness through the Laceweb by Les Spencer

Not Disabled Enough

by Prue Hawkins

Men’s Sheds

Catering for blokes as folks with disabilities within Men’s Sheds: Mark Wall

Access, Advocacy and Adjustments

by Margaret McFarland

Dear Reader: CRAFT is a Not For Profit public domain publication provided free of charge all contributions are provided voluntarily in order to seek to ameliorate the Issues’ them in some concrete way through Practical Hope. All attributions where known are given if this does not occur please let the senior curators know and we will address immediately.

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