About the Founder

Paul Henry Wildman

Present position

(Pracademic or research):
Institution: The Kalgrove Institute also trading as Prosperity Press
Department: Bush Mechanics Guild of Australia http://thebushy.wordpress.com/
Title: Fellow
(Industry): Education and Learning

Professional qualifications:

• Cert VI in Workplace Training and Assessment May 2001 • Doctorate on using action learning to facilitate community futures through employment generation and experiential learning (1997) Southern Cross University and International Management Centres (IMC), Brisbane

• Master of Social Welfare Administration and Planning (1985), University of Queensland on the social impact and community development implications of resource development (coal mine) on a rural area

• B. Economics (Hons). (1975), University of Queensland on the link between regional economic development and telecommunications

Membership of professional bodies:

• Childcare Queensland • Millennium Project Node Committee

• Bush Mechanics Guild of Australia • Kids & Adults Learning (KAL) Director

• The Kalgrove Institute – Kids & Adults Learning (KAL) Director

Magazine Involvement

I have edited and authored for:

Action Research Case Studies inc. Newsletter (Published jointly by ALARPM (Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management Association) Interchange Publications (Aust.) and Prosperity Press (Aust.). I am the principal of Prosperity Press.

Please list any magazine/magazines on whose Editorial Advisory Boards you have served:
I have edited/critiqued several book chapters, articles in association with the Magazines: Magazine of Futures Studies and the Australian Magazine of Social Issues.

Action Research Case Studies (Monograph Series) – ongoing

Publications: Several CD-Roms, and 60 Books/Chapters/Conference Workshops and Proceedings — please see Appendix A in this regard.
Publishing Experience: I have operated a small niche market mail order publishing business, Prosperity Press, for five years. Prosperity Press specialises in Experiential Learning and Animation and Economic Development. Several titles are listed in Appendix A.

Web Experience: I have gained substantial experience in this area through designing, mounting, operating and housekeeping several web sites, compiling four CD-Rom’s, and lecturing on the web at Masters Level. A key area of expertise (both message and medium) draws from my involvement in the design, mounting and delivery of the SCU Masters Unit ED730 Futures Studies: Methods, Issues and Visions (1996-7). The first completely web mounted Masters unit to be offered by Southern Cross University. The overall program involved a hyper-archiving bulletin board, Public assess Futures Forum with hyperlinks to Futures sites around the world and password protected interactive web courseware for ED730 itself.
Contact point (including phone/fax if possible):

Paul Wildman paul@kalgrove.com https://www.facebook.com/paul.wildman1

Ph/Fax/Msg + 61 7 32667570 Mob 0412027818

PO 73 Northgate 4013 Brisbane Australia.

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