About Craft

Craft is an eZine dedicated to publicising and discussing social change from a practical perspective, with a view to the future not the past.

That’s change towards; greater equality and equity, work satisfaction, familial; integrity, protection, support and variability. Change that recognises the centrality of the body and emotions to human experience. Change in keeping with democratic principles, practices and expansiveness. Change inclusive of spirituality or psychological well-being, community strength and environmental sustainability including that practiced by Indigenous or First Peoples…And other changes we haven’t thought of yet –your call.  We agree however that the most important concern is the future yet there is much in the past from which to learn.

We founded Craft because the future bears down on us at increasing speed and in ways we can hardly grasp, yet we must try – our planet and our children deserve nothing less. .  Predictions of rapid change, environmentally and in terms of human sustainability drive our concerns.  Yet we seem to be more and more out of balance.  With humans helping to cause this imbalance and our present great extinction then sadly we fear the extinction will include us. We want to resist and join with others to effect a resistance. Our weapons are practical hope, education, craft, art, reflection, the establishment of rights and duties including to other living beings, and social movements.  All of these aimed at actions for practical hope in order to transform and protect environment, politics and society. Solutions are urgent – practical hope is scarce – too scarce.

So please invite us to join you, as we invite you to join us, so that through CRAFT in small yet significant ways we can act to redress this imbalance.


Paul Wildman and Jim Prentice 03-2015

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